Ekte Gjetost is a sweet, brown, firm cheese, made solely from pure goat's milk which is boiled under pressure until caramelization occurs. Stronger than regular Gjetost, it is widely popular among Scandinavians. Children especially enjoy its sweet flavor and fudge-like texture. Traditionally, this cheese is cut into very thin slices and eaten at breakfast with toast or crispbread.
- Made from pasteurized goat's milk.
- Photo depicts whole 8.5 ounce form of cheese.
Norwegian brown cheese has a centuries long tradition, made by leftover whey and sugar, originally from goat's milk. It is one of Norway's most well-known signature foods, and goes very well with whole wheat bread and butter or some jam/jelly.
Gudbrandsdalsost: The original dark cheese with a distinct sweet caramel taste and a dark color with a mix of goat milk and cow milk.
Fløtemysost: Perhaps the most popular of the brown cheeses in Norway. It has a lighter color than the traditional gudbrandsdalsost, and is made primarily of heavy cream and whey.
Millom: A sweet, round taste, something in between fløtemysost and gudbrandsdalsost. A bit darker than fløtemysost, while lighter than gudbrandsdalsost.
Fløtemysost light: Less fat and calories than the regular fløtemysost.
Ekte geitost/real goat cheese: Brown cheese made 100% of goat milk, goat whey and goat cream.
Innherredost: Yet another dark cheese with a very sweet taste.
All cheese are shipped PRIORITY SHIPPING WITHIN 2 TO 3 DAY